Our independent support is tailored to help you develop and improve. In addition to evaluations, reviews and public consultations, we provide many other types of practical support, including:
We worked with the True Colours Trust, Palliative Care Association of Malawi and the Kenya Hospices and Palliative Care Association to help teams in Africa develop their planning and evaluation skills. We have coached teams to plan strategically, monitor progress and reflect on how information can be used to improve palliative care. You can read more here
We worked with Together for Short Lives and other partners to develop an online toolkit to help voluntary and statutory services recruit, train and support volunteers working with families. You can see the free resource kit here
The Evidence Centre worked with Richmond Community Education Provider Network to train care navigators. These are non-clinical staff signposting people to appropriate services. We developed and implemented a training programme to increase knowledge, confidence and signposting skills.